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Home Товары ALLTO PythonParts

ALLTO PythonParts

ALLTO develops professional add-ons compatible with Allplan software. With ALLTO PythonParts, you can automate your engineering workflow, complete your tasks more easily and quickly, and reduce errors. With ALLTO PythonParts, you maximize the value of your Allplan software.

The Building Reinforcement package includes the following add-ons for Allplan:

  • Wall Reinforcement
  • Wall Opening and Wall Edge Reinforcement
  • Beam Reinforcement
  • Column Reinforcement
  • Single Footing Reinforcement
  • Strip Footing Reinforcement
  • Detecting IFC Model Changes
  • Slab With Opening
  • Slab Main Rebar
  • Column dowels
  • Layout Service
  • 2D Axis Grid in ALLPLAN Engineering
  • Converting from 2D lines/polylines to architecture components
  • ALLPLAN Backup Files - Drawing Recovery
  • Add custom attribute in Allplan
Wall Reinforcement lets you create, update, and modify simple or complicated reinforcement for walls, including slope walls. It recognizes the shape of the wall panel and distributes the reinforcement considering the openings.  
Foundation Reinforcement - ALLTO sets up a friendly interface to create Individual and Strip foundations in a few minutes.  
Slab Reinforcement - Reinforcement detailing of a slab is done based on its support conditions. The Slab may be supported on walls, beams, or columns.  
Beam Reinforcement Python part automates the beam reinforcement modeling in Allplan.  
The Column Reinforcement add-on makes it efficient to model the main rebar, stirrups, and sidebar, calculate overlap, and create sections. These tasks would take a lot of time if done manually.  
Beam Precast Reinforcement - this add-on can save 50-80% of the time spent on creating prefab elements and can be reused. With ALLTO beam precast, you can create main rebar, stirrups, and additional rebars: closed stirrup, torsion stirrup, U pin, and oblique rebars. It reduces the time to reinforce rebar in various beam shapes: I-shaped, O-shaped, U-shaped rebar  

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