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Home Новости Webinars Groundwater lowering With DC-Dewatering

Ground water lowering (Multi-well installations) with DC-Dewatering (English Language)

Recorded Webinar

Speaker: Dipl. Eng. Ioana Dimitrova, Product Specialist

  • Analysis with vertical wells / vacuum wells or with sump drainage and rubble drains
  • Application of a fixed water level by a river or the sea possible
  • Arbitrary layer system / Different permeabilities
  • Ground water situation: free, half-stressed or stressed
  • Different construction pit sections: arbitrary polygons with different depths
  • Variable layers with column diameters
  • Any number of wells at different positions: different depths and diameters. Several well series, different lowering aims.
  • Defined lowering depth or adapted to pits
  • Calculation of the required pumping quantity / capacity of all wells
  • Results in graphic quality

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